Say goodbye to taking your health education from influencers on social media.
Your doctor told you that you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, offered you the birth control pill and sent you on your way.
With majority of your questions unanswered, you go home and start Googling everything from "What is PCOS?" to "Is birth control the only option for PCOS?"
there's a better way to find answers....
This course was created with you in mind...

You’ve been struggling with PCOS symptoms - acne, stubborn weight gain, facial hair growth, irregular and unpredictable periods, hair loss, maybe even infertility.

You think you might have PCOS, but you don't know where to start to find answers.

You want to learn more about natural options for managing PCOS that are evidence based.

You’ve heard that diet and lifestyle can have a big impact on PCOS, but you don’t know where to begin.

You want an all-in-one, one stop shop for your PCOS information - no more hours of Googling.
Course Breakdown

PCOS 101
Value: $70
Module one answers all of the questions regarding PCOS that you have probably Googled. No more going down that rabbit hole until 2am, we are answering the most asked questions about understanding what PCOS is at its core.
Value: $99
Learn about how diet impacts PCOS symptoms and how nutrition can be used as a tool for healing. We also discuss the roles of some popular diets like the Keto Diet and the Vegan Diet.

Value: $60
Everyone knows exercise is important for health, but it’s one of the most common areas that people struggle with. We dive into the types, frequency, and even intensity of exercise that seems to benefit PCOS the most. We even answer the question - does weight really matter?
Endocrine Disruptors
Value: $70
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, or EDC’s, are something we are consistently exposed to on a daily basis, but most of us have no idea what they are. You will learn how to spot them, how we can avoid them, and why they are even harmful to health in the first place.

Value: $99
In this module you learn exactly what stress is, what it does to your body, and how to manage it. Life is filled with stress, and having PCOS actually leads to higher rates of perceived stress, so we discuss how to support your system.
Value: $60
You’ve probably already been to the supplement stores and bought a variety of supplements that didn’t do much for you - so in this module we discuss vitamins, herbs, and nutrients that are actually backed by evidence.

Value: $99
Sync With Your Cycle
This Mini-Masterclass is a bonus addition to PCOS Unlocked to ensure you get off on the right foot.
We can’t fully understand Polycystic Ovary Syndrome if we don't know the basics of the menstrual cycle first. This masterclass teaches you what happens to your hormones throughout the whole month, why we feel different in each phase of the cycle, and how to properly track your cycles.